Notes when Install Mail Server on Windows 64bit

2014/07/17 17:28

Because the 64bit operating system does not support Microsoft OLE DB Provider for Jet driver and connecting with the earlier Microsoft Access Driver (*. Mdb), the Microsoft OLE DB Provider for Jet which is used for Access and Excel database will not be available on 64bit (The difference between 32bit and 64bit mail server).

In Windows 64bit OS, when using IIS to test the ASP websites, you will find the database failed message (Figure 1-1).

Database Failed

Figure 1-1

Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0; Data Source=E:\AAMail\data\mail\access|dap.mdb, it will return "3706" error value when you use this method.

"Driver=Microsoft Access Driver (*. Mdb); DBQ=" & Server.MapPath (db), it will return "-2147467259" error value when you use this method.

To solve these problems, you must set the IIS environment as 32bit. If the version of IIS is different, then the solution is different either. Now, we will illustrate the IIS6 and IIS7 solutions below.

Access + IIS6

1) In the command line, type

cscript.exe%SYSTEMDRIVE%\inetpub\adminscripts\adsutil.vbsSETW3SVC/AppPools/Enable32bitAppOnWin64 1

2) Register NET FrameWorks again.

% SYSTEMROOT%\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v2.0.50727\aspnet_regiis.exe-i

3) After finished, in IIS, you will see the 32bit, and then you need to set it as allow. Note: This operation will cause all the sites in the entire IIS to run in 32bit compatibility mode.

Access + IIS7 (enable 32bit mode)

If you are using the Access database on Windows 64bit OS, and you need to use Webmail as well, then you need to enable 32bit Application Mode in IIS.

The steps are as follows.

1) After entered into IIS, click the "Application Pools", on the right side of the form, click "Set Application Pool Defaults..." (Figure 1-2).

Application Pools

Figure 1-2

2)It will pop up "Application Pool Defaults" dialog box, click the "Enable 32-bit Applications" combo box, and select "True", then click the "OK" button (Figure 1-3).

Application Pool Defaults

Figure 1-3

Select "IIS6 Management Compatibility"

AAMail can run on the 64bit Windows OS, please note that on the 64bit Windows you need to install 64bit SQL Server and the SQL Server Management Studio Express. In addition, for Webmail running on the 64bit Windows, please note that

1) When installing IIS components, please note to select "IIS6 Management Compatibility".

2) When installing IIS components, please note to select "IIS6 Management Compatibility". If selected, AAMail will auto help you configure the Webmail's sites in IIS. Otherwise, you need to create a "mail" application in IIS manually (Figure 1-4).

IIS6 Management Compatibility

Figure 1-4
