Operation Menu

2013/09/11 11:20

The Operation Menu includes Refresh, Service, Log analysis, Import from file, Upgrade, System backup, System restore, Hide, Hide & lock and Shutdown (Figure 1-1).

Operation Menu

Figure 1-1

Refresh: Refresh AAMail interface.

Service: Pop up AAMail "Service manager" dialog box.

Log analysis: You can search the log via Date, Time, Log type, Account and Keyword. Also, you can open the Folder to check the log and Export the log files. For details, please refer to "How to Check AAMail Log".

Import from file: Import accounts from file. Account file should be .csv format with header line and below fields.

Upgrade: Pop up the "Upgrade wizard" dialog box. Click the "Upgrade" combo box, and select the old version, then click the "Next" button. For details, please refer to "AAMail Upgrade Steps".

System backup: System data backup. Backup system parameters and accounts.

System restore: System data restore. Services will be stopped during restore.

Hide: Minimize to the notification area.

Hide & lock: Minimize to the notification area, and need the Account and Password to login (The original Account it "Administrator", and don't need Password).

Shutdown: Logout AAMail.
