How to Do when Database is so large?

This database file is for "sqlldapinfo" database. It keeps all information of accounts and system logs. If it is very large, you can do followings to shrink it.

  1. Open SQL Server Enterprise Manager.
  2. Choose "sqlldapinfo" database as target and start a new query.
  3. Run "truncate table systemlog" statement, this will empty systemlog table.
  4. Select "Shrink database" task, select sqlldapinfo database and using Precise Shrink mode.
  5. Shrink it.
This database file is for "sqlmaildata" database. It keeps all information for deocoded mails, attachments and pop3 UIDs. If it is very large, you can do followings to shrink it.
  1. Open SQL Server Enterprise Manager.
  2. Choose "sqlmaildata" database as target.
  3. Select "Shrink database" task, select aamailpro database and using Precise Shrink mode.
  4. Shrink it.

The above two files are log files for "sqlldapinfo" and "sqlmaildata" databases. They are managed by SQL Server. If the two files are very large, you can do followings to rebuild them. Let's take "c:\AAMailPro\dbs\sqlldapinfo.ldf" as an example.
  1. Open SQL Server Enterprise Manager.
  2. Detach "sqlldapinfo" database.
  3. Rename sqlldapinfo.ldf to sqlldapinfobackup.ldf in Windows Explorer.
  4. Attach c:\AAMailPro\dbs\sqlldapinfo.mdf.
  5. Note to remove the auto-added log file when attaching, we need SQL Server to create an empty log file.
  6. If sqlldapinfo is attached OK, delete sqlldapinfobackup.ldf.

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